Most of us know that our cultural tendency to judge women by their appearance – by their bodies, by their skin color, by their sexuality is a form of socialized and institutionalized misogyny?

But DID YOU KNOW that misogynoir is misogyny directed towards black women where race and gender both play roles in bias. It was coined by queer black feminist Moya Bailey, who created the term to address misogyny directed toward black women in American visual and popular culture. Trudy of Gradient Lair, a womanist blog about black women and art, media, social media, socio-politics and culture, has also been credited in developing the lexical definition of the term.

The concept is grounded in the theory of intersectionality which analyzes how various social identities such as race, gender, class, and sexual orientation interrelate in systems of oppression. 

AFFIRMATION: I welcome an awareness of any misogynoir operating in my beliefs. I take responsibility to shift my beliefs. I consciously choose to see all women as perfect expressions of Divine Creation.

GENTLE CALL TO ACTION: Check out The Movement – ELLE Magazine’s video series celebrating women and their bodies through the expression of dance.


Anyangwe, Eliza (5 October 2015). “Misogynoir: where racism and sexism meet”. The Guardian. Retrieved 7 October 2016.

Moya Bailey 

Trudy of Gradient Lair 

ELLE – The Movement YouTube ELLE – The Movement Facebook