Professional Development

Facilitated by Rev. Ryan Alexander

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Professional Development Facilitator Spotlight

Acerca de María Teresa Cortez Santana, RScP

María Teresa Cortez Santana, peruana, decidida a llamarse Maite porque significa Amor en España, el país de su abuelo, está dedicada desde hace más de 15 años al entretenimiento educativo y el fortalecimiento de recursos emocionales a través de las historias.

Con un énfasis particular en utilizar los cuentos como una herramienta terapéutica para gestionar emocionales difíciles sin renunciar a las artes, la creatividad y el humor, poniendo en valor la sabiduría de la cosmovisión pre-hispánica en el Perú para la vida cotidiana contemporánea.
Utilizando la fuerza de la creatividad, las infinitas posibilidades de la imaginación y potenciando las habilidades comunicativas al crear y narrar cuentos, realiza presentaciones creativas, sesiones cuenta terapéuticas y talleres para empresas, instituciones y familias.

Las presentaciones están dirigidas al público en general con niños y niñas desde los 00 años o al público juvenil-adulto. El repertorio está conformado por cuentos de su autoría y/o la adaptación de los escritos por autores afines a sus búsquedas. En ambos casos, se atiende la temática solicitada por los y las clientes, con procesos creativos diferenciados por edades. Desde el 2020 sus proyectos creativos con cuentos de autoría propia han contado con el apoyo de la Gerencia de Cultura de Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima, Perú.

Las sesiones cuenta terapéuticas están dirigidas al público en general desde los 4 años. En éstas integra su experiencia en terapia de artes expresivas, ciencia de la mente, storytelling, cuento terapia y terapia narrativa. Se ingresa al mundo de las infinitas posibilidades de crecimiento que nos ofrecen las historias. El objetivo es encontrar aprendizajes en aquellas situaciones de retos mayores, incluso las que no pudieron ser verbalizadas en el pasado. El arte, el juego y el ritual, facilitan la libre expresión y en particular las historias son un cálido contenedor para la expresión de los sentimientos atesorados.

Sobre los talleres, son diferenciados por edades pero en todos se apuesta por propiciar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo para crear y contar historias con enfoque cuenta terapéutico. En particular, el taller CHAKANA CUENTA fue seleccionado como parte de un proyecto que recibió financiamiento de las líneas de apoyo a la cultura del Ministerio de Cultura del Perú y para la edición virtual de la Convención de las Américas organizados por los Centros para la Vida Espiritual con sede en Chapala, México.

Maite Cortez Santana es Licenciada en Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Bachiller en Danza Contemporánea (PUCP), Diplomada en Gestión Cultural (PUCP) Asesora Certificada en Ciencia de la Mente (Centers of Spiritual Life), Egresada de TAE-Perú (Terapia de Artes Expresivas), Facilitadora Heal your Life (Louise Hay House) con experiencia en Storytelling por el International Coaching Community (ICC), Terapia Narrativa, Cuento Terapia. Actualmente en formación en cosmogonía iniciática de los andes en la Escuela KawsayPacha de Perú y en formación como Líder Espiritual en la Escuela de Liderazgo Espiritual de México co-dirigida por la Dra. Rebeka Piña. Forma parte de la Comunidad de Ciencia de la Mente Mérida de México y realiza voluntariado y trabajo social con la asociación peruana Psicólogos Contigo.


María Teresa Cortez Santana, peruvian, decided to call herself Maite because it means Love in Spain, her grandfather’s country, has been dedicated to edutainment and strengthening emotional resources through stories for more than 15 years.

With a particular emphasis on using stories as a therapeutic tool to manage difficult emotions without giving up the arts, creativity and humor, valuing the wisdom of the pre-Hispanic worldview in Peru for contemporary daily life.

Using the power of creativity, the infinite possibilities of imagination, and enhancing communication skills by creating and telling stories, she makes creative presentations, therapeutic account sessions, and workshops for companies, institutions, and families.

The presentations are aimed at the general public with children from the age of 00 or the youth-adult public. The repertoire is made up of stories of his authorship and/or the adaptation of those written by authors related to his searches. In both cases, the theme requested by the clients is addressed, with creative processes differentiated by age.

Since 2020, her creative projects with stories of her own authorship have had the support of the Culture Management of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, Peru.

Therapeutic account sessions are aimed at the general public from 4 years old. In these he integrates his experience in expressive arts therapy, science of the mind, storytelling, story therapy and narrative therapy. You enter the world of infinite possibilities for growth that stories offer us. The objective is to find learning in those situations of greater challenges, even those that could not be verbalized in the past. Art, games and rituals facilitate free expression and, in particular, stories are a warm container for the expression of treasured feelings.

Regarding the workshops, they are differentiated by age but in all of them they are committed to promoting meaningful learning experiences to create and tell stories with a therapeutic account approach. In particular, the CHAKANA CUENTA workshop was selected as part of a project that received funding from the lines of support for culture of the Ministry of Culture of Peru and for the virtual edition of the Convention of the Americas organized by the Centers for Spiritual Life. Based in Chapala, Mexico.

Maite Cortez Santana has a degree in Communication Arts and Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), a Bachelor of Contemporary Dance (PUCP), a Diploma in Cultural Management (PUCP) and a Certified Advisor in Science of the Mind (Centers of Spiritual Life ), Graduated from TAE-Perú (Expressive Arts Therapy), Heal your Life Facilitator (Louise Hay House) with experience in Storytelling by the International Coaching Community (ICC), Narrative Therapy, Story Therapy. Currently in training in initiation cosmogony of the Andes at the Kawsay Pacha School in Peru and in training as a Spiritual Leader at the School of Spiritual Leadership in Mexico co-directed by Dr. Rebeka Piña. She is part of the Mérida de México Science of the Mind Community and volunteers and does social work with the Peruvian association Psicólogos Contigo.

Maite will be teaching the upcoming class “Contar Cuentos” beginning July 13. This class will be presented in Spanish.


Student Testimonials


CSL Professional Development

Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson has held my interest with ASL Skill building by his wit, humor and professionalism. I always appreciate when our center features Rev. Raymont, singing with his skilled hands, signing beautifully as the music plays. I enjoyed this series immensely and look forward to signing up for the 2022 ASL series.

This was a great class for those of us that had some basic Spanish and wanted to work on our metaphysical vocabulary. It was also a great way to meet others interested in doing more with this teaching in Spanish. I was surprised at how much I remembered!

I’m extremely pleased with the SOM Spanish class I took with Dr. Pellarolo. She had very helpful handouts illustrating  how to use SOM vernacular in Spanish and I am now confident that I can give treatments in Spanish! Woohoo! I’d love to take it again, just to practice combining my treatment and Spanish skills!

Greg Gardner, RScP, Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Spanish Class for SOM Practitioners was exactly what I was looking for to support my Spanish SOM vocabulary development.  Dr. Sirena provided a safe environment to practice our Spanish at ALL different levels.  There was a well thought out balance between Spanish grammar practice and putting to use my Spanish in writing Spiritual of Mind treatments.  I look forward to taking another class and continuing my Spanish language development as it pertains to my Practitioner practice.

Teresa Valenzuela, RScP

I took the Podcast 101 class last year. I am now a couple of weeks away from my one year anniversary of starting my podcast. I have done 28 episodes and I have over 2100 downloads in 17 countries. Lezli was great. She systematically started us with the key elements of a podcast. She required homework to get us in the mode of podcasting. She was fun and knowledgeable. It was a joy to be in the podcasting 101 class with Lezli Goodwin. Thank you. Peace, Love and Blessings.  Author / Podcast or look for Mystic Magic on Spotify.