Please bring only one bag plus sleeping bag with your name on them. Remember you have to keep track of and carry your luggage at camp.

Recommended Items

  • Refillable water bottle with your name on it (required)
  • Sleeping bag and pillow or a 2 blanket bedroll with sheet
  • Comfortable, casual clothing appropriate to the season:
    • a hat, gloves and waterproof footwear may be a good idea
    • warm socks
    • swimsuit (for Summer Camp)
  • Sturdy walking shoes, or snow boots depending on weather
  • Jacket or sweatshirt with a hood, and long pants for outdoor evening activities. (Be aware of where your camp is located and what the weather will be like.)
  • Toiletry items – comb, shampoo, deodorant, soap in plastic container, washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, chap stick, sun screen and personal hygiene products
  • Bath/pool towel
  • 1 plastic garbage bag for wet or dirty clothes
  • Bug repellant

Optional Items

  • Musical instrument for talent show, etc. (write name on it)
  • Rubber sandals for showering
  • Dance clothing (formal or casual)
  • Snacks in zipper bags (so the critters don’t get it)
  • Phone charger
  • Personal water spray/mister bottle (Summer Camp)
  • Money for Camp Store (Camp Cedar Ridge location only)