The Roots of the Science of Mind is a transformational course and a fascinating journey through the minds of New Thought luminaries who greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science.

Truth lives on through the works of the authors and spiritual pioneers that we study: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins.

You will deepen your understanding of the philosophical foundation of Religious Science and other New Thought teachings, and be inspired by the power of the written word. Of equal importance, we will focus on how these powerful teachings can be APPLIED today… in the laboratory of our lives.

**A Foundational level class is a suggested prerequisite for this class, but is not required.**

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The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
It is recommended that students purchase the edition by Tarcher-Putnam. Other editions may have different content and/or page numbering. Here is the ISBN number for the text: Paperback – ISBN 13: 978-0874779219

Emerson’s Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
ISBN: 978-0060909062

The Edinburgh Lectures by Thomas Troward
ISBN: 978-1614275688

Scientific Christian Mental Practice by Emma Curtis Hopkins
ISBN: 978-0875161990