This class is the suggested prerequisite to all other online classes.

Foundations of The Science of Mind delves into the fundamental principles of spiritual understanding and personal growth. Through the exploration of concepts such as God, the Creative Process, Grace, Wholeness, Attraction, Abundance, Living in the Flow, Oneness, Immortality, and Joy, students will develop a deeper connection to their inner selves and the divine. Engaging in practices like journaling and listening, affirmations, meditation, and visioning, moving from fear to faith, gratitude, forgiveness, Christ consciousness, and celebration, participants will cultivate self-awareness, empower their thoughts and beliefs, and create space for greater awareness and expansion. This course invites individuals to embrace their authentic selves, expand their awareness, and actively engage spiritual principles in their everyday lives.

Look for Centers for Spiritual Living Affiliate Communities teaching this class online through the

Community Based Education Portal


Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes.
There are multiple editions of the Science of Mind.
It is recommended that students purchase the edition by Tarcher-Putnam. Other editions may have different content and/or page numbering.

The ISBN 13 is: 978-0874779219