You already possess greater ideas than you ever thought possible, but first you must find a pathway to their discovery. This course takes you on such a journey to help you produce better results with confidence and clarity for life. Attract new ideas into your life today while gaining greater mastery of practical spiritual tools you can apply to all your future decisions about health, happiness, creativity, and richer living. In this course, you will realize the power of letting go of thoughts that no longer serve. This course offers practical exercises and hands-on self-assessments to strengthen your spiritual understanding of how to live Spiritual Principles and deeper your relationship with Spirit, God, the Divine Nature of the Universe. Practice and apply spiritual concepts and principles to strengthen your framework for living a more spirit-directed life. The Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook supports the journey of the expansion of consciousness to set new goals and achieve them.
Look for Centers for Spiritual Living Affiliate Communities teaching this class online through the
The Power of Decision, Tarcher Perigee, Barker, Raymond Charles
ISBN-13: 978-1585428540
Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook: An Up-To-Date Guide to Dr. Barker’s Revolutionary Classic. Pamela D. Grey
ISBN-13: 978-1-61063-143-3
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