Evolve and emerge into the fullness of your True Self. Live an awakened life by conscious choices. Discover Love-Centered Wholeness by participating fully in the creative process. Deepen and strengthen your awareness of the magnificence of who you are by living a rich life of joy, love, creativity and abundance.
Self-Mastery is an experiential journey of deep discussion, powerful practices, fun exercises, and real results. You will explore the creative nature of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as they show up in your life, and learn the art of living consciously and purposefully. By revealing and healing ideas that separate you from your divine nature, you can live in greater freedom as your authentic self, anchored in wholeness and grace.
“To realize that the Law of God is written in your own mind is to make available to you a power which can meet every need.” (Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called Life)
**It is recommended that the student complete a Foundational level course prior to taking this class**
Please note: You are not completely registered until tuition is paid. Credit for this course is not issued until tuition has been paid in full.
Look for Centers for Spiritual Living Affiliate Communities teaching this class online through the
Community Based Education Portal
Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
ISBN: 9780875166278