The Mystical Path offers the student a journey into Oneness. This course provides an opportunity to study the perspective of a mystic to expand our awareness of the Divine Presence in life. Students will identify the common, timeless truths of mystics, and how these Truths relate to the principles, practices, and teachings of the Science of Mind. Students will explore their own beliefs and experiences with the intention to discover their own mystical perspective. Students will be invited into a greater understanding of the growth of consciousness and learn how the principle of Oneness has a direct impact on the life they live. Lastly, the student will present an end-of-course creative project to signify the embodiment of learning that took place during the course.

Note – for the Practitioner Pathway, The Mystical Path counts as a Consciousness class.

Please note: You are not completely registered until tuition is paid. Credit for this course is not issued until tuition has been paid in full.

Look for Centers for Spiritual Living Affiliate Communities teaching this class online through the

Community Based Education Portal

Required textbook:

The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in World Religions, New World Library (March 2, 2001), Teasdale, Wayne 1999
ISBN-13: 978-1577311409 or Amazon Kindle Version

Mysticism: A Talk Given by Ernest Holmes at Asilomar –

Available at the Science of Mind Archives

A Holmes Reader on Practical Wisdom –

Available at the Science of Mind Archives