Starting your own Spiritual Living Circle begins with asking your friends to get together!

Once you register yourself as a host with Centers for Spiritual Living, you are connected to a whole community of people around the world who are discussing the articles from the Guide to Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Plus, you will be invited into a community forum of Spiritual Living Hosts that can provide you with tips and tools for hosting your circle, exclusive insights, and topics of discussion.

If you and your group members decide to meet consistently, it may be helpful to view the following questions and answers prior to filling out your official registration form:

The monthly Discussion Guide for Spiritual Living Circles is produced every month for use by Circle hosts and participants. The guide is free and is accessible through Our Community, your online portal to Centers for Spiritual Living. Instructions to access the Discussion Guide will be provided to registered hosts and participants upon sign-up.

All new subscribers receive a free 6-month digital subscription to the Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Once you are registered, you will receive a welcome email that will include the details and the promotional code to access your free subscription.

Free subscriptions are only available to new subscribers. It is suggested to have your magazine available during a Spiritual Living Circle discussion to enhance the experience. 

Choose a location that is convenient for all group members and allows for open communication. If there is a Center for Spiritual Living near you check with them for room availability.

Choose to meet in person and/or virtually through a meeting application like Zoom.

The free Discussion Guide highlights four feature articles from the magazine each month. You may choose to discuss any number of these, in any order.

The facilitator position could be given to one person, or rotated among members. Allow your group to change and adapt to the needs of its members.

Discuss the importance of social interaction with group members. Use the first meeting as an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and discuss what the Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine means to them.

Determine the size of your group, and decide if you will be ‘open’ or ‘closed’ to new members. If you decide to be open, your group and the host’s email address will appear on the Centers For Spiritual Living website world map and people can join by searching in their area.

Gather the following for your host and participants:

  • First and Last Names
  • Email Addresses
  • Mailing Addresses

When you register as a host, you will receive an invitation to the Spiritual Living Circles Host Community Forum. As part of the forum you will have access to marketing materials that you can use to announce your Circle on social media and via email.

  • Participate in conversation with other Spiritual Living Circles hosts from around the globe, ask questions and hear helpful tips.
  • Be alerted to new information, special deals and be the first to hear about new products and innovations.
  • Receive invitations to Spiritual Living Circles Host Trainings and virtual social events.

Ready to Officially Begin Your Spiritual Living Circle?

Click the registration button to fill out the form. 

Do NOT use this form to add participants to an existing Circle
Do NOT submit this form multiple times

Once you are a host (have registered your Circle with at least one person (you) as a host) please go to the Circle Host’s page and request access to the Spiritual Living Circle (SLC) Host Community. Within the SLC Host Community you will find the form to add members to an existing Circle or update any information about your Circle.

Submitting this form multiple times or using it to add additional members will create multiple duplicate records.