CSL Virtual Spiritual Living Circle
Connect in rich fulfilling conversation. Come together virtually to discuss articles from the Science of Mind magazine with a group of people interested in exploring and living the philosophy of practical spirituality.
Anyone can participate in this FREE online Zoom discussion group. A copy of the current month’s Science of Mind Magazine is very useful. With advanced registration, a copy of the discussion guide will be made available to you.
You may attend one meeting or all of the meetings in a session. The Virtual Spiritual Living Circle takes place periodically throughout the year; the days and times vary.
The Virtual Circle is hosted on Zoom by the Spiritual Development Department of Centers for Spiritual Living.
Spiritual Living Circle Blue – 7p.m. MT start time
Pacific Time 6 p.m.
Mountain Time. 7 p.m.
Central Time 8 p.m.
Eastern Time 9 p.m.
Coordinated Universal Time 1 a.m. Fri
Central European Time 3 a.m. Fri
Spiritual Living Circle Green – 7p.m. ET start time
Pacific Time 4 p.m.
Mountain Time 5 p.m.
Central Time 6 p.m.
Eastern Time 7 p.m.
Coordinated Universal Time 11 p.m.
Central European Time 1 a.m. Fri
Things to know about joining a CSL Virtual Circle
Your camera should be on
We are all participants, and this is a safe and sacred place. Having your camera on is expected as part of the trust involved. You may turn your camera off to excuse yourself—putting a quick note in the chat is a great way to let your host and technician know that you intend to return. When you return, please put your camera back on.
Everybody shares
Sharing is part of the way we build trust in a group. You may refrain from sharing your first time but thereafter you can expect your host to invite everyone into the conversation.
The CSL Virtual Circles follow these guidelines for sharing
Practice active listening, to really hear other people, and to benefit from their sharing.
Keep all sharing in the Circle confidential.
Share from your own feelings and experiences. Do not comment on another’s sharing or give advice.
KEEP YOUR SHARING SHORT. This allows everyone time to share if they choose to do so.
Wait until everyone else has had a chance to share before asking to share again.
As sharing begins, center yourself in love and compassion.
Be aware of the precious gift you are being given when someone has the courage to share.
Make the space for sharing without categorizing what you are hearing as positive or negative, good or bad.
Blue Circle Team

Karen Batten, RScP
For as long as she can remember, Karen Batten has been passionate about consciousness. She was raised in Religious Science so she was born to the opportunity to nourish her fascination.
As an adult, she explored and practiced other spiritual traditions and then, turned her focus to inner peace. In 2012, Karen returned to Religious Science. In 2020, she became licensed as a Religious Science Practitioner, a calling she finds enormously fulfilling.
Karen lives in Southern California. She shares her home with two 15-lb dogs that she adores. She’s an artist – colored pencils are her current favorite. She has a BS in physics, an MS in Atmospheric Sciences, and is expecting an MA in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute in 2023. She’s an eternal student. She will always continue to learn and study.

Sharon Boilesen, RScP
Sharon Boilesen was introduced to Science of Mind in the late 1980’s during a years-long search to understand the major religions of the West and East. She discovered the teaching that beautifully expressed what she believed was true reading an article in SOM magazine.
Sharon attended Mile Hi Church for nearly 20 years. When she retired from a career in healthcare, she shifted toward supporting the growth of others, and during the pandemic, she became a Practitioner. She sees her Practitioner role as one who “holds sacred space”, allowing individuals to explore and express their spiritual journey in community.
Sharon holds degrees in Human Relations, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Effectiveness. She finds her professional background has prepared her for facilitating Spiritual Learning Circles through Centers for Spiritual Living.
Sharon uses images that come to her in meditation to create textile art and quilts and she is an avid student of the Enneagram. She lives with her husband of 34 years and enjoys traveling and visiting her sons and their families.

Barbara Valdez, RScP
Barbaraenjoys facilitating conversations that broaden her perspective on spirituality and being a conduit for others to do the same. As a spiritual seeker, she was led to the teachings of Ernest Holmes at The Center for Spiritual Living in San Jose, California where in 2014 she became a licensed professional practitioner. Barbara has served CSLSJ in many capacities including teaching certificated classes; facilitating Spiritual Community Groups; as part of the team that evaluated CSLSJ’s organizational values; as a member of the end-of- life ministry educating congregants on issues related to death and dying; and serving on the compassionate care team.
Barbara holds a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Counseling Psychology. She is a retired Marriage and Family Therapist and a Military Family Life Consultant. Her specialty was working with children and teens as well as adults going through transitions such as divorce, retirement, and the death of a loved one, etc.
Currently residing in San Antonio, Texas with her husband, Barbara hosts a creative group teaching a variety of arts and crafts that allow woman to explore and expand their creativity.
Green Circle Team

Shelley Dill, RScP
Shelley is a licensed Science of Mind Practitioner, serving on the Virtual Online Practitioner Program through CSL Home Office. Shelley has served as an online host for zoom prayer rooms for several years now, and enjoys it greatly. Shelley’s focus ministry of Self-Care was revealed in 2004. Since then, she has been leading playshops and given talks on the Art of Joyful Self-Care, sharing the Buddhist precept, “Self-Care is the path to Peace on Earth”, that is the lodestone of her ministry.
A lifelong musician, Shelley has known all along that her ministry be rooted in music as the ministry, and the ministry as music. As a spiritual dowser, Shelley believes in the transformative power of recognizing the Inherent Light of everyone, and bringing that light within All to the surface.
Shelley is continuing her education to become a licensed Minister, expanding the bandwidth of who she is able to serve. It is her joy to host these Virtual Spiritual Living Circles to facilitate the deeper conversations.

Claire Holsten, RScP
Claire became a licensed spiritual practitioner in the summer of 2022 and is part of the Virtual Practitioner Program. After taking an early retirement from Corporate America, Claire now runs her own In-Home/On-Line Personal Training business helping people achieve their health and fitness goals.
Claire is also very passionate about her work with Social Justice issues and serves on numerous committees including the Commission on Religion and Race. She was a facilitator for Race & Equity Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Workgroup, Board member of the recent Center for Justice & Equity of New Hampshire board and a member of The Ethnic and Racial Disparities Subcommittee of the New Hampshire Juvenile Justice Reform Commission.
Claire resides with her wife of 40 years and their three Siberian Huskies in New Hampshire.

BJ DeGirolamo, RScP
BJ was introduced to the Science of Mind and the Centers for Spiritual Living in 2013 when a dear friend suggested that she needed a little more open-minded spirituality in her life. She began regularly attending a Center for Spiritual Living in Templeton, CA. BJ became a licensed professional practitioner in August of 2022. She holds this title with reverence and seeks out ways to be of service to others. Her calling is to continue her spiritual education, teach, hold private practitioner sessions, and support her local LGBTQ+ community in spiritual gathering circles.
BJ retired as a Fire Captain after 27 years of service. She is now an artist in the medium of Chinese brush painting and Chinese Calligraphy, and has received honorable mention for her work. BJ is a musician and she loves fly-fishing and Bass fishing. BJ is married and shares a home with her wife Gina and their three dogs, four chickens, and cat. She is currently working on her first novel and developing course content to start teaching the art of Chinese Calligraphy.