As we continue to pray for those in Southern California affected by the fires, we have put together ways you can donate to those local CSL communities as well as other organizations aiding those in need. 

Read a prayer for those affected from CSL’s Spiritual Leader Rev. Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith

* Updated January 9, 2025

AHIAH CSL, Pasadena

Rev. Michael Lattimore reported that the center had been turned into a shelter, no lives lost or injuries, home status uncertain for those who had to evacuate.

Donations may be made to Ahiah CSL Pasadena:


* Updated January 9, 2025


Rev. Sydney Steen reported that as far as she knew there was no loss of life or injuries at this time. Again, home status uncertain for those who had to evacuate there.

According to their website: Today, our doors are open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for anyone who needs a safe space to charge devices, phones or just take a breather. We’ve set up:

  • Extension cords and extra adapters

  • A microwave for quick meals

  • Hot coffee to keep you fueled

Come as you are and stay as long as you need. We’re here to support one another.

Beginning this Sunday, NHCRS will be collecting water, blankets, warm clothes, diapers, toiletries and grocery gift cards for those who have been displaced by the fires. Everything we collect will then be brought to Red Cross and relief distribution sites.


* Updated January 9, 2025


CSL Granada Hills was safe as of January 8; however, the smoke is pervasive in the area and making it difficult for many. 

As this community recovers, any support can be directed through this link:

Additional options for donating:

Most of all, your prayers are welcome to support the many individuals affected by the fires.



There is one Presence, one Power, one Infinite Intelligence that moves through all creation. This Divine Presence is the Source of all life, harmony and peace. It is the essence of love and balance, expressing itself perfectly in all ways, at all times.

I am one in, through and as this Infinite Presence. The same life that breathes me, breathes all beings, all creatures and every aspect of this earth. As I recognize my oneness with the Divine, I affirm that this unity extends to Los Angeles County and all who are impacted by the fires.

I declare that Divine Intelligence guides the firefighters, first responders, and all who are working to restore safety and peace. Their actions are directed with clarity, courage and strength as the very life of the Divine.  I affirm and claim without delay, all the atmosphere around in and through the fires is now calmed, and the winds diminish, allowing for the swift containment of the fires.

I know absolutely that the natural balance of the earth is restored, bringing rains in their perfect season to nourish and renew the land. I see all those affected—human, animal and plant—embraced by Divine love and care. Resources flow freely to those in need, and communities come together in unity and compassion with an overflow of love.

In the midst of this situation, I know the Divine is active, bringing forth healing, resilience and renewal.

I give thanks for the Divine Presence that is already at work in this situation, working in perfect order restoring balance and creating peace. I am grateful for the courage and kindness expressed by all involved and for the Spirit of Unity that uplifts everyone touched by this event.

I release this word into the action of the Law, knowing it is already done. And so it is.