Re-Gen Committee recipient alumni (top row, left to right): Rev. Kris Alexander, Luchan Baker III, RScP, Rev. Elisha Christopher, Rev. Dan Granda, Rev. Lydia Joy; (bottom row, left to right): Rev. Russ Legear, Rev. Masando Hiraoka, Rev. Audra Nichole, Rev. Michelle Scavetta, Rev. Nicole Von Atsingen
Are you interested in supporting younger leaders on their journey through ministerial school?
Re-Generation Committee provides financial and mentor support for ministerial students under 45 years of age. We invest in younger people who have the inspiration, promise, calling and dedication for ministry within Centers for Spiritual Living.
For more information, contact Re-Generation Committee Chair Rev. Jay Lang at Re-Gen@CSL.org.
To donate, you can mail a check.
Make checks payable to Centers for Spiritual Living, and in the memo line, please indicate your gift is for “Re-Gen.”
Centers for Spiritual Living
Attn: Re-Gen
1090 S Wadsworth Blvd Ste C PMB 131
Lakewood, CO 80226
To donate online:
Go to: www.CSL.org/Donate
In the “comments,” be sure to enter: “Re-Gen”
Qualifications: CSL ministerial school-accepted students up to age 45 are eligible to apply for Re-Gen funding.
Funding: Re-Gen funds reimburse students for tuition and books, initially as a loan. The loan qualifies for full forgiveness after students are licensed and complete ordination requirements.
Fiscal Support: Providing financial assistance to younger adults who feel called to ministry, making the path of ministerial studies more attainable and accessible.
Mentorship: Re-Generation students are paired with committee members who support the recipient’s ministerial journey during school and after graduation.
Fundraising: Cultivating major donors and financial contributions to grow our endowment fund and provide financial assistance to younger adults entering and completing ministerial studies.
We make ministerial school possible for younger ministers who may not have been able to become ministers without support like ours!
The Re-Generation Committee was established by an inspired vision to help actively cultivate the next generation of leaders within Centers for Spiritual Living.
We Engage
Re-Generation fosters and cultivates intergenerational dialogues, mutual support and collaboration.
We Equip
Re-Generation funding equips these students with the secure funding they need to be able to pay for tuition and books.
We Empower
Re-Generation empowers and supports younger ministers to help ensure their success!
For more information, contact the Re-Generation Committee Chair at Re-Gen@CSL.org.